ogmobot, chaotic male shell Gunner ---------- |......x.| ##|..P@x...| #,-...$?...| #,|.......<| #%|```...x.| #1--1------- #,I#,)%,#### ##,,###,II,, ,,I,, #### [Ogmobot the SMG User] St10 Dx18 Co14 In11 Wi10 Ch11 GunSheMalCha S11438 Dlvl:9 $68 HP117(121) Pw67(67) AC2 Xp9/2636 T3820 Latest messages [-5 -> 114] The heisenbug is startled for a moment. The heisenbug turns to flee! You have become a green slime. You attack thin air. The heisenbug turns to flee! You have become a green slime. The bug misses. You hit the bug. You have become a green slime. You hit the bug. You have become a green slime. The bug turns to flee! You have become a green slime. The green slime is startled for a moment. The heisenbug turns to flee! You hit the green slime. Yuck! The bug turns to flee! You have become a green slime. Your inventory Weapons b - an uncursed corroded +0 pistol (alternate weapon; not wielded) {8} c - an uncursed corroded +0 sniper rifle (weapon in hands) {20} Armor e - an uncursed burnt +0 leather jacket {12} o - the cursed -1 leather armor named Grayscale Wanderer (being worn) {60} s - an uncursed burnt +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4} t - the uncursed rusty rustproof +1 heavy shield named The Atlantien {100} W - an uncursed rotted +0 elven leather helm (being worn) {2} X - an uncursed burnt +0 pair of elven boots (being worn) {8} Scrolls h - 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {0} i - an uncursed scroll of phase door {0} j - an uncursed burnt scroll of standard id {0} v - an uncursed burnt scroll of healing {0} A - 2 cursed scrolls of standard id {0} Potions x - an uncursed potion of gain ability {0} Rings B - a cursed burnt ring of hunger (on right hand) {0} E - a cursed rotted ring of teleport control (on left hand) {0} K - a cursed burnt ring of hunger {0} Wands n - an uncursed corroded wand of polymorph called polymorph (1:0) {0} p - a blessed burnt wand of bugging (0:8) {0} Tools f - an uncursed burnt medical kit {19} Y - a * uncursed bottle {1} Contents of the medical kit: a * cursed phial {2} a * cursed phial {2} a * blessed phial {2} 3 * uncursed phials {6} a cursed bandage {1} a cursed bandage {1} 9 uncursed pills {0} a blessed pill {0} 5 uncursed bandages {5} Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 25 Your max alignment was 25 You carried 0 sins You could not have this property at all: detect monsters You could not have this property extrinsically: dimmopathy Potion identification only worked 3 times out of 7 Ring identification only worked 4 times out of 10 Amulet identification only worked 15 times out of 16 Armor identification only worked 15 times out of 27 Gem identification only worked 100 times out of 180 Monsters only dropped their equipment with 56% chance Scroll drop chance was reduced to 95% Ring drop chance was reduced to 83% Potion drop chance was reduced to 99% Food drop chance was reduced to 90% Monster death drops spawned with only 95% chance The following skill could not be trained at all: martial arts The following skill was trained at half the usual rate: martial arts The following skill was trained at one fifth the usual rate: martial arts The following skill was limited to basic proficiency: mace The following skill was limited to skilled proficiency: lance Number of artifacts generated was 3 Number of fake artifacts generated was 8 Monster spawn increase started at turn 14485 Monster spawn increase reached its maximum at turn 39877 In this game, Eevee's evolution was vaporeon Your limit for ascension was at turn 1377897 The monster class that cannot be genocided was worm The monster species that spawned more often: alien plasomorph (freq bonus 16) The monster species that spawned more often: blending nymphomaniac (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: deep ettiksorn (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: Amon (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: canine badger (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: watercaul (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: glass ripper (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: crashbug causer (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: Succubus Kchief (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: porter magnetic fungus (freq bonus 10) The monster species that spawned more often: illusion caster (freq bonus 30) The monster species that spawned more often: creeping vine (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: giant copper ant (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: yellow ooze (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: Dain II Ironfoot (freq bonus 36) The monster species that spawned more often: broken light (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: ghey kobold zombie (freq bonus 2) The monster species that spawned more often: Bulletproof Kleever (freq bonus 9) The monster species that spawned more often: dwarf king (freq bonus 3) The monster species that spawned more often: old blood dragon (freq bonus 6) The monster trait that was more common: monsters with sleep resistance (freq bonus 1) The monster trait that was more common: monsters whose attacks eat your dreams (freq bonus 3) The monster species that never randomly spawned: large spider The monster species that never randomly spawned: elonymph The monster species that never randomly spawned: sea ogre The monster species that never randomly spawned: mousse quire simplemindedly The monster species that never randomly spawned: rusty coins The monster species that never randomly spawned: parrot The monster species that never randomly spawned: filth dragon The monster species that never randomly spawned: Legion The monster species that never randomly spawned: part man The monster species that never randomly spawned: pseudosweet nymph The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: sentou ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: mimicry (unidentified) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: unidentify stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: unfair attack cloak (flier cloak) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: growth (WELCOME TO ANGBAND) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: form shifting (constant) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: super mantle (red mantle) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: green sweets ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: autoscooter heels (flipflops) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: self-willed heels (imaginary heels) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: brass dragon scale shield (brass dragonhide shield, freq bonus 9) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: vibroblade (gray short sword, freq bonus 31) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: robe of randomness (cyan robe, freq bonus 31) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: mountains (VERY FUNNY FACIAL EXPRESSION, freq bonus 11) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: salt chunk (gray, freq bonus 8) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: hunting rifle ((null), freq bonus 61) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: ice box of digestion (cooling box, freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: stinking cloud (VELOX NEB, freq bonus 5) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: faerie floss rhing (splash of venom, freq bonus 32) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: wildhild bow ((null), freq bonus 48) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: osbane katana ((null), freq bonus 8) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: torpedo ((null), freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: using hazard (wiseguy, freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: heroism (tan, freq bonus 20) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: entrapping (scintillating, freq bonus 7) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: yellow spell stone (gray, freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: anhydrite (teal, freq bonus 2) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: nether (GALADRIEL YOU ARE INSANE, freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: acid stream (colorful, freq bonus 2) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: levitation (agate, freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: implant of dawn (sacred) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: acquirement (important) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: long stake ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: inviso stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: sheaf of straw ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: leather saddle (saddle) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: chest of holding (wooden container) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: feather armor ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: heavy shield ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: implant of grace (feral) The RNG hath decreed that this trap was always invisible: stealer trap The RNG hath decreed that this trap was generated more often: gender trap (freq bonus 20) Trap randomization happened for 1 in 787 traps Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 4261 Strength training was 50 Dexterity training was -45 Wisdom training was 13 Constitution training was 50 Your sanity was 0 You were fire resistant You were poison resistant You were magic-protected You had not decided on your sexuality yet You were prevented from having detect monsters (0) You were prevented from having dimmopathy (0) You hungered rapidly You saw invisible You were telepathic You were warned You had 1028 points of nutrition remaining You were very stealthy You had teleport control You could swim You could survive without air Your luck was zero Your health bonus was zero Your mana bonus was zero Your pantheon consisted of Leo Tolstoi, Stephen Hawking and H. P. Lovecraft Your deity was H. P. Lovecraft The version you were playing was: Unix SlashEMExtended Version 2.5.0 (03fe788) - last build Mon Jun 10 22:16:14 2019. H. P. Lovecraft was angry with you (1) You could not have safely prayed (1598) You are dead You didn't know any spells. Techniques known in the end Name Level Status create ammo 9X Not Ready(1851) surgery 9X Prepared(0) appraisal 9 R Prepared(0) panic digging 9 R Prepared(0) phase door 9 R Prepared(0) invoke deity 9 R Reloading(413) disarm 3 O Prepared(0) Discoveries Armor leather gloves (tar gloves) elven leather helm (leather hat) elven boots (beautiful heels) Scrolls scroll of healing (THE GIAGGOSTUONO) scroll of mana (LARGE ALARM ALL PERSONNEL EVACUATE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY) scroll of phase door (RODNEYS TOWER AND OTHER SATANCHOPS TRASHED THE MORE PROMPTS) scroll of standard id (NOTHING IS FAKE) scroll of cure (PFAZER) * scroll of extra healing (MY PRIVATE IS TENMETERS ACROSS) * scroll of greater mana restoration (THE ICE BLOCK TYPE TRASHED MY BEAUTIFUL VARIANT) scroll of charging (CHOP CHOP MASTA ONION) scroll of root password detection (AM PO COLVATIO) scroll of earth (SIR I HAVE TO TAKE A SHIT) scroll of identify (MY SWEET VELCRO STRAP) scroll of scare monster (GORDON FREEMAN HAS HIS THUMB UP HIS ASS) scroll of antimatter (SERGEANT MC SHITHEAD) Potions potion of invisibility (sauce) potion of banishing fear (caramel) potion of full healing (plaid) potion of gain ability (crimson) potion of ESP (herbal) Rings ring of hunger (pager) ring of teleport control (malachite) Wands wand of polymorph called polymorph (double-ended) wand of bugging (sliding) wand of fire (pine) wand of lightning (long) Tools medical kit (leather bag) Venoms * blinding venom (splash of venom) * tail spikes (splash of venom) * faerie floss rhing (splash of venom) * acid venom (splash of venom) * segfault venom (splash of venom) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 9 Level 9: <- You are here Vanquished creatures 0 gokiburis (1 created) 0 killer bees (12 created) 0 thorn bees (3 created) 0 honey bees (1 created) 0 werebees (1 created) a soft beetle 0 hunter bees (1 created) 0 griener beetles (1 created) 0 giant killer bees (2 created) 0 wing bees (1 created) 0 zombees (1 created) 0 queen bees (1 created) 0 acid blobs (1 created) 0 fuel barrels (1 created) 0 slugs (1 created) 0 checkals (1 created) 2 jackals a hunt canine 0 aes (1 created) a little dog (2 created) 0 slumber spheres (1 created) 0 insane gazes (1 created) a scrawny cat 0 kittens (2 created) 0 regular cats (1 created) 0 feline clouds (1 created) a housecat 0 stray cats (1 created) a redshirt 0 tentacle pseudos (1 created) 0 black dirtbags (2 created) 0 group dwarves (2 created) a hurkle 0 mutant humans (1 created) 0 hobbit lords (1 created) a hobbit brigand thief 0 gisaus (1 created) a dyrgar (2 created) 0 dwarf kings (1 created) 0 interesting manes (2 created) an umler 0 blue jellies (1 created) 0 whnases (1 created) 0 restons (1 created) a small kobold (2 created) a kobold lord a dismal kobold 0 kabuki monos (1 created) 0 baby mimics (1 created) a mynock 0 normal mimics (1 created) 0 wood nymphs (2 created) 0 slow wood nymphs (1 created) 0 wimpgoblins (1 created) 0 marine goblins (3 created) 0 cave goblins (1 created) a dweeeeeeauweauw 0 orcs (1 created) a petty Uruk-hai a leading orc-captain 2 freezing penguins 0 rock piercers (1 created) 0 reckers (1 created) 0 young cows (1 created) 0 anteaters (1 created) 0 gryffon children (1 created) 0 goats (1 created) 2 sewer rats a black rat 0 breeder mice (1 created) 0 giant rats (2 created) a GR (2 created) a sickly rat (2 created) 0 bestia acerbi (1 created) 0 land spiders (1 created) 0 tiny beitirs (1 created) 0 small tricksters (1 created) a grain vortex 0 electro balls (1 created) 0 vipertices (1 created) 0 larvae (5 created) 2 armored larvae a death maggot 0 grid bugs (1 created) a weapon bug an insect cloud 0 monobugs (2 created) 0 spark bugs (2 created) 0 arc bugs (1 created) 0 astromech droids (1 created) a bug (4 created) 0 heisenbugs (2 created) a faerie light 0 subaverage afferents (1 created) 0 wallabies (1 created) 3 minor angels 5 penance angels (6 created) 3 lame angels (6 created) 6 dim angels (7 created) 0 minor mirrors (1 created) 0 missile mirrors (2 created) 2 min spores 4 kurs (5 created) 2 two-winged shapes (3 created) 2 giant aangels (3 created) 5 aangels a wing baddie a wing thing (2 created) 2 cupids of love a fishing rod an arcadian lamer 0 damaged arcadian avengers (1 created) 2 bats 13 flapbats (53 created) 0 nightingales (1 created) 0 paradise birds (2 created) 0 huge brown bats (1 created) 0 pole ducks (1 created) 0 sylphs (1 created) 0 hahaha colonies (1 created) 0 yellow molds (1 created) 0 yellow warp patches (1 created) 0 golden molds (1 created) 0 golden growths (1 created) 0 golden spores (1 created) 0 green mushrooms (1 created) 0 pale growths (1 created) 0 pale mushrooms (1 created) 0 reddish patches (1 created) 0 slow force patches (1 created) 0 conscious molds (1 created) 0 gray warp patches (1 created) a spike mushroom 0 spike worts (1 created) a memo spore 0 sufferers (1 created) 0 clockwork dwarves (1 created) 0 gnomes (2 created) 0 intermediate gnomes (1 created) 0 intercromes (1 created) 0 gnome comrades (1 created) 0 gnome lords (2 created) 0 crosslords (1 created) 0 gnome watchers (2 created) 0 gnomish wizards (1 created) 0 grabbers (1 created) 0 angsty gnomes (1 created) 0 deep gnomes (2 created) 0 inscribed gnomes (2 created) 0 gnome warriors (1 created) 0 tall white aliens (1 created) a small giant 0 humiants (2 created) a New Kop 0 low minators (1 created) 0 grab kops (1 created) 0 Keystone Officers (1 created) 0 Keystone Warders (1 created) 0 Kop Sergeants (1 created) 0 Kop Lieutenants (1 created) 0 creep mummies (1 created) 0 ant mummies (1 created) 0 demented mummies (2 created) 2 quadruped mummies 0 play naga hatchlings (1 created) a red putit 0 cyan oozes (1 created) 0 green slimes (1 created) 0 mub things (1 created) a rattlesnake a hap snake a small snake a garden snake 0 house snakes (1 created) 0 rat snakes (1 created) a lesser umber hulk 0 morning vamps (1 created) 0 undigets (1 created) a mini xorn 0 monkeys (1 created) a space monkey an ice bear cub (2 created) 0 owlbears (1 created) 0 herbivorous apes (1 created) 0 rat zombies (1 created) a kobold zombie (2 created) a gnome zombie (2 created) 0 orc zombies (2 created) a green cat zombie an elf zombie 0 human zombies (1 created) 0 quadruped zombies (1 created) 0 drow zombies (1 created) 0 rust converters (1 created) a spit golem a karakasa 0 friendly adventurers (1 created) a regular human 0 chimney sweeps (1 created) 0 vicars (1 created) 0 maias (1 created) an alien 0 werelichens (1 created) a passant 4 muggers 3 Green-elves (4 created) a pebble elf 0 priestesses (1 created) 0 item masters (23 created) 0 evasive snipers (1 created) 0 shopkeepers (4 created) 0 watchmen (4 created) 0 watch captains (3 created) 0 eh ghosts (1 created) a confined ghost 0 phantom ghosts (1 created) a hata-mata 0 oyster mussles (1 created) a babelfish a gray newt 0 legwas (1 created) a giant emerald frog 0 lizards (2 created) 0 grey mushroom patches (1 created) 0 killer tomatoes (2 created) an orange mewlip a pile of worthless coins a yerles machine infantry a novice roll wall a novice medium wall (2 created) a novice dark wall 0 nemi speakers (1 created) 0 apprentice light walls (1 created) 0 apprentice medium walls (1 created) a small turret 0 hiss turrets (1 created) a flying fish a winged fish 0 acid troves (1 created) 419 creatures born. 133 creatures vanquished. 0 bosses born. 0 bosses vanquished. Voluntary challenges You eaten 13 times You eaten food with animal by-products 9 times You eaten meat 8 times You have communicated with the gods 12 times You prayed to the gods 3 times You hit with a wielded weapon 215 times You killed 128 monsters You read items or engraved 16 times You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You remained celibate Your skills at the end (14 slots left) Fighting Skills general combat [Basic] (max Expert) (37 of 160) body armor [Basic] (max Expert) (31 of 160) devices [Unskilled] (max Expert) (24 of 20) missile weapons [Basic] (max Grand Master) (73 of 160) techniques [Basic] (max Master) (27 of 160) implants [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] (max Master) (20 of 160) knife [Basic] (max Master) (20 of 160) firearms [Skilled] (max Legendary) (395 of 540) Spellcasting Skills (none) Goodbye ogmobot the Gunner... You turned into slime in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 9 with 11432 points, and 68 pieces of gold, after 3820 moves. Killer: green slime You were level 9 with a maximum of 121 hit points when you turned into slime. You reached the 11th place on the top 10000 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 84293 toaster-Wiz-Bre-Fem-Neu died in Gehennom on level 75 [max 92]. Killed by a monster (minotaur). - [136] 2 71469 Andrio-Sam-Ang-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 11. Killed by a monster (rock kobold), while praying unsuccessfully. - [155] 3 55416 V38M2Y69T-Bin-Alc-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 6. Zapped herself with a wand. - [97] 9 14086 Andrio-Sam-Ang-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 3 [max 4]. Killed by a monster (fox), while praying unsuccessfully. - [91] 10 12722 ogmobot-Cra-Asu-Mal-Neu died in Space Base on level 43. Killed by a fumarole spores. - [40] *11 11432 ogmobot-Gun-She-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 9. Green slime. 117 [121] 12 9757 Andrio-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 7. Killed by a sand spider. - [83] 13 9401 V38M2Y69T-Wiz-Lic-Fem-Neu quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 4. 54 [140]