ogmobot, lawful female salamandic Illithanachronounbinder ------- .....-.| ----- .....|---- |.>i| ....!-...| |.--- .....|--.| |)| ....| |.| |.--- --- -------.| |...| |.|&|.| |../| ---.---.---.---.--- |.....@V/.....| --------------- [Ogmobot the Unbinder] St:16 Dx:14 Co:17 In:14 Wi:10 Ch:7 Lawful S:25503 Tower 2 $:396 HP:0(49) Pw:13(13) Br:5 AC:7 Xp:3/99 T:5458 Your inventory Weapons I - a +0 dagger named c a - a +3 quarterstaff b - a +0 spear Armor d - an uncursed thoroughly burnt +0 leather helm (being worn) e - an uncursed thoroughly burnt +0 leather pair of gloves (being worn) h - an uncursed thoroughly burnt +0 robe (being worn) c - an uncursed +1 snakeleg leather armor (being worn) Scrolls R - an uncursed scroll of teleportation Potions k - 2 uncursed potions of confusion S - a cursed potion of full healing Wands Q - a wand of digging (0:8) N - a wand of digging (0:6) g - a wand of digging (0:4) A - a wand of light (0:10) j - a wand of sleep (0:3) Tools m - an uncursed brass lantern v - a frost horn (0:7) w - a blessed magic lamp (lit) D - an uncursed R'lyehian faceplate f - an uncursed sack o - an uncursed skeleton key Gems u - an uncursed flint stone q - an uncursed luckstone Contents of the sack: 3 uncursed food rations an uncursed partly eaten food ration 3 uncursed food rations an uncursed lembas wafer a cursed scroll of enchant armor an uncursed scroll of charging an uncursed scroll of sign of the Scion Queen Mother an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon an uncursed scroll of destroy armor a cursed scroll of destroy armor 2 uncursed scrolls of remove curse a cursed scroll of remove curse an uncursed scroll of teleportation a cursed scroll of teleportation an uncursed spellbook of light an uncursed turquoise stone 2 uncursed magicite crystals an uncursed jasper stone an uncursed violet fluorite stone an uncursed worthless piece of white glass an uncursed worthless piece of yellow glass an uncursed topaz stone Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 36 You carried 0 sins You had a hod wantedness of 0 You had a gevurah wantedness of 0 You had a chokhmah wantedness of 0 You had 0 weakness from being studied Your soul was bound to Berith You were fire resistant You were telepathic You had infravision You had a carrying capacity of 278 remaining You had 926 points of nutrition remaining You were fast You were lucky (4) You had extra luck Bad luck did not time out for you Good luck did not time out for you You are dead You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures Balam Cerberus Astaroth Andromalius a nurse a maid Andrealphus a vampire Ahazu Amon a legion devil grunt 2 hell hound pups a werewolf a flaming sphere a shocking sphere a tengu a watchman a horned devil 13 wolves a leprechaun a giant spider 2 rust monsters a baby long worm 9 Mordor orcs 6 Uruk-hai 6 orc shamans a rock piercer a yellow light 7 gnome lords 3 gnome ladies a tinker gnome 7 gnomish wizards 3 giant ants 3 floating eyes 25 dwarves 5 homunculi 9 hill orcs a centipede a giant bat a parrot an iguana a monoton 2 hobbits 6 manes 4 hobgoblins a red mold 82 gnomes 18 peasants 3 geckos 7 jackals 3 goblins 2 sewer rats 4 grid bugs a lichen 2 clockwork dwarves a faberge sphere 7 newts 271 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You paid to have 2 items identified You magically identified 2 items Your skills at the end Fighting Skills bare handed combat [Skilled] riding [Basic] Weapon Skills saber [Basic] quarterstaff [Basic] spear [Basic] lance [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages The blade of rotted blood tears through your veins! You hit Berith. Your tentacles suck Berith. You grab, but cannot hold onto Berith's blood dripping helmet! Berith thrusts his long sword. Berith hits! The blade of rotted blood tears through your veins! Berith picks up a long sword. You see here a blood-red potion. The peasant zombie misses. There is an open door here. You see here a wolf corpse. You miss Berith. Your tentacles suck Berith. You grab, but cannot hold onto Berith's blood dripping helmet! Berith thrusts his long sword. Berith hits! The blade of rotted blood tears through your veins! You see here a wolf corpse. You see here Cerberus' corpse. You see here a wolf corpse. Pick an object. You see here a wolf corpse. You see here Cerberus' corpse. You see here a wolf corpse. You miss the peasant zombie. Your tentacles suck the peasant zombie. You eat the peasant zombie's brain! The peasant zombie doesn't notice. You destroy the peasant zombie! You see here a peasant corpse. You see here a trident. You climb down the ladder. Count: 10 Count: 10 Count: 20 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 20 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 20 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 20 Count: 20 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 20 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 20 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 20 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 20 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Unknown command ' '. You climb up the ladder. You see here a trident. You hit the jackal. Your tentacles suck the jackal. You eat the jackal's brain! You kill the jackal! You see here a peasant corpse. You kill the jackal! You kill the jackal! You miss Berith. Your tentacles suck Berith. You grab, but cannot hold onto Berith's blood dripping helmet! Berith thrusts his long sword. Berith hits! The blade of rotted blood tears through your veins! You hit the peasant zombie. Your tentacles suck the peasant zombie. You eat the peasant zombie's brain! The peasant zombie doesn't notice. You hit the peasant zombie. Your tentacles suck the peasant zombie. You eat the peasant zombie's brain! The peasant zombie doesn't notice. You destroy the peasant zombie! You miss the vampire. You miss the vampire. You hit the vampire. You miss the vampire. The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! You see here a wand of magic missile. You hit the vampire. You miss the vampire. The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! You miss the vampire. You miss the vampire. The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! You miss the vampire. Your tentacles suck the vampire. You eat the vampire's brain! The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! Goodbye level 6. You miss the vampire. Your tentacles suck the vampire. You eat the vampire's brain! The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! You hit the vampire. Your tentacles suck the vampire. You eat the vampire's brain! The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! Goodbye level 5. You see here a peasant corpse. You see here a trident. You climb down the ladder. Count: 10 Count: 100 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 50 Count: 50 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Count: 50 A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. A wave of psychic energy pours over you! It feels quite soothing. Unknown command ' '. You climb up the ladder. You see here a trident. What do you want to zap? [gjANOQ or ?*] In what direction? The bolt of cold hits the vampire! The bolt of cold misses the vampire. The bolt of cold hits you! What do you want to zap? [gjANOQ or ?*] In what direction? The bolt of cold misses the vampire. What do you want to zap? [gjANOQ or ?*] Nothing happens. What do you want to drop? [$a-hjkmoqu-wADINOQ-S or ?*] You drop a wand of cold. You hit the vampire. You miss the vampire. You miss the vampire. You miss the vampire. The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! You hit the vampire. You miss the vampire. The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! You hit the vampire. You miss the vampire. The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! You miss the vampire. You miss the vampire. The vampire hits! The vampire bites! Your blood is being drained! Goodbye level 4. You feel unpsionic. You miss the vampire. You miss the vampire. You miss the vampire. You miss the vampire. The vampire hits! You die... Goodbye ogmobot the Illithanachronounbinder... You died in Vlad's Tower on dungeon level 6 with 25464 points, and 396 pieces of gold, after 5458 moves. Killer: vampire You were level 3 with a maximum of 49 hit points when you died. You made the top ten list! No Points Name Hp [max] * 1 25464 ogmobot-Acu-Sal-Fem-Law died in Vlad's Tower on level 6 [max 11]. Killed by a vampire. - [49] 2 498 Tangles-Ana-Sal-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 4. Killed by a hobbit. - [18] 3 374 Tangles-Ana-Sal-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 2. Killed by Mr. Donmyar, the shopkeeper. - [15]