darkmiz, neutral female human Tourist ------ --- |.|..-- ---- ---.-- -....--- |... |....| -------....-- # --..- |...-- ----..| |.....|-.-- ##.....-. --....---- |.....----.....-...| |.....| |.....`|.------...[.......[[..<..| ---.^..| --......[...--...--......(......-- |....--- |........)....-----............| |.|.-- --...........)| |..........--- |.|.| --.......[[..--- ---........| |.|.--- |.........%.-------- --.......-| |.|...| |-......---.---....---.....--..--------.|--.--- |............*......^...................- |.@.| --......----.%....------........------...|---@---- -- ..-- ---.....--.......| --.....--- |...|--|....----.--- ........--- ----.........--- --...-- --.--..---.())%...................| --...--.--- --..| --|....[.%%....--------- | --..|--- ---- --...........| |..| --..--.---.-- ---- --- --- -- Darkmiz the Excursionist St:9 Dx:14 Co:18 In:14 Wi:9 Ch:18 Neutral Gnomish Mines:4 $:429 HP:0(68) Pw:36(36) AC:-2 Exp:8 T:5192 Burdened Your inventory Coins $ - 429 gold pieces Amulets f - an uncursed amulet of reflection (being worn) Weapons a - 2 +0 elven daggers (wielded) G - a +1 dagger R - 12 +0 daggers (in quiver) Armor e - an uncursed +0 banded mail (being worn) r - an uncursed +1 orcish shield (being worn) w - an uncursed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) F - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes (being worn) Comestibles j - 2 uncursed food rations u - 2 uncursed eggs Wands I - a wand of magic missile (0:5) M - a wand of sleep (0:5) Tools c - a +0 pick-axe i - an uncursed sack m - an expensive camera (0:84) p - an uncursed small sack v - an uncursed lock pick O - an uncursed tin whistle Gems K - an uncursed luckstone The sack is empty. Contents of the small sack: 750 gold pieces an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping a blessed scroll of amnesia 4 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping an uncursed potion of sleeping 2 uncursed worthless pieces of orange glass an uncursed garnet stone Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 27 You were telepathic You had reflection You were lucky (3) You had extra luck Bad luck did not time out for you Good luck did not time out for you You are dead You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a dwarf king a stone giant a leprechaun 2 dwarf mummies a housecat a rope golem a bugbear an imp 10 Mordor orcs a rock mole 2 yellow lights 3 gnome lords 2 gray oozes a ghoul a straw golem a paper golem a floating eye 6 dwarves a homunculus a kobold lord 2 rothes a giant bat an orc zombie 4 dwarf zombies a werejackal an acid blob a coyote 4 hobbits 2 giant rats 2 brown molds a yellow mold 26 gnomes 3 geckos 5 jackals 5 foxes 2 goblins 3 sewer rats 11 grid bugs 6 lichens a kobold zombie 7 newts 128 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You were an atheist You were illiterate You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You never engraved Elbereth Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Skilled] dart [Skilled] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages The Woodland-elf picks up a dagger. The Woodland-elf swings her runed broadsword. The Woodland-elf hits! What do you want to drop? [$acefijmpru-wFGIKMOQR or ?*] You drop a tinning kit. The Woodland-elf picks up a little red hat. The Woodland-elf puts on a little red hat. The Woodland-elf swings her runed broadsword. The Woodland-elf hits! The Woodland-elf picks up a pair of little black boots. The Woodland-elf puts on a pair of little black boots. The Woodland-elf picks up a bow. The Woodland-elf swings her runed broadsword. The Woodland-elf hits! The gnome picks up 3 daggers. You feel wise! You must have been very observant. You feel agile! You must have been working on your reflexes. The Woodland-elf picks up 6 arrows. What do you want to use or apply? [cimpvIKMO or ?*] In what direction? The Woodland-elf is blinded by the flash! The Woodland-elf turns to flee! The Woodland-elf swings her runed broadsword. The Woodland-elf hits! The Woodland-elf swings her runed broadsword. The Woodland-elf hits! You die... The Woodland-elf rummages through your possessions. Aloha darkmiz the Tourist... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 4 with 8487 points, and 1179 pieces of gold, after 5192 moves. Killer: Woodland-elf You were level 8 with a maximum of 68 hit points when you died. You reached the 11th place on the top 2000 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 1692404 Tangles-Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha died on the Astral Plane. Killed by an Angel (with the Amulet). - [266] 2 65945 Tangles-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 23. Killed by a gold dragon. - [113] 3 36302 attie-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law quit in The Dungeons of Doom on level 6 [max 8]. 79 [79] 9 11800 wbn-Mon-Dwa-Mal-Law turned to stone in The Dungeons of Doom on level 10. Petrified by a chickatrice. 73 [77] 10 8682 wbn-Cav-Orc-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 16. Killed by a yeti, while reading a book. - [83] *11 8487 darkmiz-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 4 [max 6]. Killed by a Woodland-elf. - [68] 12 6273 wbn-Ran-Elf-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 10. Killed by an ice vortex. - [55] 13 5599 Tangles-Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 7. Killed by a rope golem, while praying. - [49]