Tangles, lawful male bat Undertaker --- -- .| . ---- .| ..--..------------- .|----.........h@.....| .|...|............@..h| |.|...-.*--|--........?..[ |.|.. |.*|...|..-----..|.@.| |.-----..|...|--- .-- -- |.?......|...| |......+.|---- |.----...| --- |.| +.`.| --..--.| |...| . | |....<.----...--|-- |..........|........| ---...-....|..#.....---- | --.......|-....{........| |.......--..|....#....=- |...........|-.... ..... ---..|.------ ----- ------ ------ [Tangles the Grave Creator] St11 Dx15 Co16 In6 Wi10 Ch6 UntBatMalLaw S7622 Min:8 $0 HP-3(109) Pw93(93) AC-11 Xp8/1713 T2739 Par Ssd Latest messages The hobbit leadmaster is moderately wounded. The hobbit leadmaster swings her sling. The hobbit leadmaster hits you! [-9 -> 15] Warning: HP low! The hobbit leadmaster shoots a gray stone! You are almost hit by a gray stone. You hear a door open. Suddenly, a section of wall closes up! The hobbit leadmaster picks up a gray stone. The hobbit leadmaster swings her sling. The hobbit leadmaster hits you! You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn... [-5 -> 10] Warning: HP low! Pratt is not near enough to receive your payment. You begin praying to Hel. The hobbit leadmaster swings her sling. The hobbit leadmaster hits you! You die... Your inventory Weapons a - an uncursed +2 scalpel (weapon in hand) {2} f - an uncursed +0 boomerang (in quiver) {0} o - the uncursed +0 iron saber named Gift of the Golden Gates {12} v - an uncursed +2 cutting laser {10} z - the blessed +4 knife named The Invisible Man {2} Armor b - a cursed +0 victorian underwear (being worn) {5} p - the blessed stainless +0 silver dragon scale shield named Too Good To Be True (being worn) {20} q - the blessed greased fissionproof +3 pair of speed boots named Whisperfeet (being worn) {8} r - a blessed greased stainless +3 golden dragon scale mail (being worn) {20} s - a blessed greased fireproof +3 robe of magic resistance called magic resistance {16} u - a blessed greased fireproof +0 cloak of curse catching called curse catching (being worn) {4} w - an uncursed +0 set of gray dragon scales {20} S - an uncursed +2 striped shirt {5} Comestibles g - an uncursed water lichen corpse {20} U - 4 uncursed carrots {0} Scrolls I - an uncursed scroll of mana {0} Wands c - an uncursed wand of undead turning (0:4) {0} d - an uncursed wand of undead turning (0:12) {0} t - an uncursed wand of fear (0:6) {0} y - an uncursed wand of magic missile called missile (0:3) {0} K - an uncursed wand of cold called cold (0:7) {0} M - an uncursed wand of cold called cold (0:7) {0} T - an uncursed wand of banishment called vanish pine DO NOT BAG (0:6) {0} Tools e - an uncursed corroded tinning kit (2:20) {0} m - an uncursed figurine of a newl cloud {0} F - an uncursed large box {500} H - an uncursed +0 conglomerate pick {32} Gems D - an uncursed +0 worthless piece of pink glass {1} R - an uncursed +0 jasper stone {1} Iron balls j - an uncursed +0 heavy iron ball {2400} Contents of the large box: 400 gold pieces {0} a blessed finalized scroll of charging called charging {0} 3 uncursed scrolls of heal other {0} an uncursed scroll of cure {0} 3 uncursed scrolls of standard id {0} 3 uncursed scrolls of phase door {0} 4 uncursed scrolls of mana {0} 8 uncursed scrolls of healing {0} an uncursed spellbook of levitation (0:2) {0} an uncursed potion of clairvoyance {0} an uncursed potion of healing {0} an uncursed potion of paralysis {0} a blessed potion of levitation {0} Final attributes You have transgressed Your alignment was -552 Your max alignment was -1 You carried 25 sins You could not have this property extrinsically: stun resistance You could not have the double effect of this property: freezopathy Scroll identification only worked 100 times out of 203 Potion identification only worked 3 times out of 10 Ring identification only worked 4 times out of 57 Implant identification only worked 1 times out of 19 Wand identification only worked 3 times out of 6 Spellbook identification only worked 2 times out of 14 Gem identification only worked 100 times out of 253 Tool identification only worked 5 times out of 9 Monsters only dropped their musable items with 59% chance Scroll drop chance was reduced to 59% Ring drop chance was reduced to 77% Potion drop chance was reduced to 82% Weapon drop chance was reduced to 87% Shop item generation was reduced to 73% Concealing monsters were spawned underneath items 92% of the time only The following skill could not be trained at all: lance The following skill was limited to basic proficiency: petkeeping The following skill was limited to expert proficiency: lance The following skill became untrainable if you tried to train it too early: firearms (turn 609) The following skill became harder to train at higher skill levels: searching Number of artifacts generated was 2 Number of fake artifacts generated was 8 Monster spawn increase started at turn 84595 Monster spawn increase reached its maximum at turn 145489 In this game, Eevee's evolution was vaporeon Your limit for ascension was at turn 3219555 The monster class that cannot be genocided was cockatrice The monster class that was spawned more often: dragon (freq bonus 2) The monster species that spawned more often: conceited woman (freq bonus 9) The monster species that spawned more often: terrestric force patch (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: case turret (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: tank breaker (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: cardiac oubliette (freq bonus 16) The monster species that spawned more often: merthewer (freq bonus 3) The monster species that spawned more often: microscope massage acidly stripteasing wrath (freq bonus 9) The monster species that spawned more often: chiefer renounceable copyist informality intertidal hemorrhaged (freq bonus 9) The monster species that spawned more often: Cyan-elf (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: tearmaggot (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: stilter (freq bonus 15) The monster species that spawned more often: vampire apprentice (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: relight raiding (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: captaining breeziest spright radiographically darer (freq bonus 18) The monster species that spawned more often: debit imp (freq bonus 3) The monster species that spawned more often: Alida's colorful sneaker (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: evil dwarf mummy (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: sotted concordantly (freq bonus 18) The monster species that spawned more often: Keystone Inspector (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: still a nothing (freq bonus 5) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that boast (freq bonus 6) The monster trait that was more common: monsters of large size (freq bonus 5) The monster trait that was more common: monsters whose attacks burn you (freq bonus 3) The monster species that never randomly spawned: petro patch The monster species that never randomly spawned: werecow The monster species that never randomly spawned: rodent zombie The monster species that never randomly spawned: light green sentai The monster species that never randomly spawned: three-headed hydra The monster species that never randomly spawned: somberly bumpering The monster species that never randomly spawned: clerical spore The monster species that never randomly spawned: gainsaid rising The monster species that never randomly spawned: volcano lemming The monster species that never randomly spawned: bomb thrower The monster class that always generated with extra speed: fungus or mold The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: levelport (unavailable) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: bricklayer bar ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: table furniture (GANG ONE THROUGH FOUR) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: cloth chain ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: cloak of the force (starwars cloak) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: water flame (complementary) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: grappling hook (iron hook) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: cloak of aggravation (jarring cloak) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: anti-drop (dropper) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: soft girl sneaker ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: implant of bile (pure, freq bonus 11) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: bec de corbin (beaked polearm, freq bonus 24) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: dwarvish short sword (broad short sword, freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: spell retain cloak (inalish cloak, freq bonus 12) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: brown shit cloak (rifling power cloak, freq bonus 3) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: sodalith (blue, freq bonus 14) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: implant of galvanization (misunderstood, freq bonus 4) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: grave (engraved, freq bonus 62) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: blue dragon scale mail ((null), freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: extra healing (puce, freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: ballista ((null), freq bonus 16) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: shit stone (gray, freq bonus 2) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: amulet versus death spell (torus, freq bonus 5) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: runed rod (rod, freq bonus 8) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: create sink (THRU THE FLOOR, freq bonus 50) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: silver nunchiaku ((null), freq bonus 11) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: prehnite (radiant, freq bonus 4) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: stone of permanence (gray, freq bonus 5) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: turn limit stone (gray, freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: yatagan ((null), freq bonus 9) The RNG hath decreed that this item class was generated more often: Armor (freq bonus 93) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: faerie floss rhing (splash of venom) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: elven arrow (runed arrow) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: implant of osmosis (stellar) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: spelldrain gloves (bise gloves) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: helm of detoxification (anachrononononaut helmet) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: Mehoho Burusasan G (blinding) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: eater stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: weight stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: filtering stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: storm stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this trap was always invisible: limitation trap The RNG hath decreed that this trap was generated more often: status trap (freq bonus 2) Trap randomization happened for 1 in 596 traps Traps were spawned invisible 1 times in 69 Traps were extra hard to find 13% of the time Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 4681 Strength training was 50 Dexterity training was 33 Wisdom training was 16 Constitution training was 33 Your sanity was 0 You were cold resistant You were poison resistant You were doubly level-drain resistant You were resistant to sickness You were resistant to fear You were paralyzed (-3) You were punished You were heterosexual Your chance to block was 28% You had 720 points of nutrition remaining You were stealthy You could fly You had curse resistance You had improved technique levels You had echolocation You were very fast You had reflection You were very unlucky (-8) You had extra luck Good luck did not time out for you Your health bonus was zero Your mana bonus was zero You had spell retention for remembering 25 spells Your pantheon consisted of Hel, Pluto and Orcus Your deity was Hel The version you were playing was: Unix SlashEMExtended Version 2.6.6 (e36be28) - last build Thu Jun 4 05:15:00 2020. You could not have safely prayed (0) You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail Memory a - levitation 4 + body 90% 108% Techniques known in the end Name Level Status turn undead 8X LIMIT(0) appraisal 8 R LIMIT(0) panic digging 8 R LIMIT(6790) phase door 8 R LIMIT(0) invoke deity 8 R LIMIT(0) weapon practice 8 R LIMIT(0) draw blood 8 R LIMIT(0) blood ritual 4X LIMIT(0) Discoveries Armor speed boots (living boots) robe of magic resistance called magic resistance (white robe) cloak of curse catching called curse catching (chinese cloak) silver dragon scale shield (silver dragonhide shield) Scrolls scroll of healing (DPIEV WENWWSG UNNZMI) scroll of mana (SCHLAE FEL BUE SCHEL FLUE GEL) scroll of phase door (UGGELUGGELUGGEL) scroll of standard id (ICHE NIXE SPRECHE SPRACHE) scroll of cure (VANILLA SHOPKEEPERS DONT LET YOU OUT IF YOUR INVISIBLE) scroll of heal other (FAT PINK BLOB) * scroll of extra healing (A EE EEE III OOOOO YYYYYY OOOOOOO) * scroll of greater mana restoration (GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY) scroll of charging called charging (DEMOGORGONHACK IS A GREAT NETHACK VARIANT) Spellbooks spellbook of levitation (sonicboom) Potions potion of clairvoyance (nanika) potion of healing (hallowed) potion of paralysis (whisky) potion of levitation (cooling) Wands wand of undead turning (chemical) wand of wishing (chiseled) wand of fear (knobbed) wand of magic missile called missile (vajra) wand of cold called cold (nicked) wand of banishment called vanish pine DO NOT BAG (pine) Tools large box (wooden box) Gems worthless piece of pink glass (pink) jasper stone (red) Venoms * blinding venom (splash of venom) * tail spikes (splash of venom) * faerie floss rhing (splash of venom) * acid venom (splash of venom) * segfault venom (splash of venom) Dungeon overview The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 8 Level 8: <- You are here Vanquished creatures an ant 0 honey bees (1 created) a white louse a corroblob a pestyblob 0 balltrip blobs (1 created) a phasing acid blob a fox 0 pack dogs (2 created) 0 death dogs (1 created) an ego gas spore 0 hidden gas spores (1 created) 0 floating eyes (1 created) 2 speeding eyes a kitten 0 feline clouds (1 created) a trermlaine a hobbit gentleman a kniver a hobbit a greener hobbit 0 trick-or-treat childrens (1 created) 0 dwarves (1 created) 0 midgety dwarves (1 created) a force dwarf 3 army dwarves (5 created) 0 dwarf thieves (2 created) 0 bone hobbits (1 created) a mutant human 0 vile sewer pygmies (1 created) a dwarf lord 0 undead fetishes (1 created) a high ping bastard 0 hobbit leadmasters (1 created) 0 wanter demons (1 created) 0 normal jellies (1 created) 0 large kobolds (1 created) 0 kobold casters (1 created) a baby leprechaun a baby tuchechaun a hehehe-hehe tiny a mini leprechaun 2 mini tuchechauns a blue lemming a little leprechaun a leprechaun 0 very green leppies (1 created) a lickety nymph a demimondaine 0 wood nymphs (1 created) a goblin (2 created) 0 hobgoblins (1 created) 0 low snotlings (1 created) 0 b-types (1 created) 0 joust ostriches (1 created) 0 spurious orcs (1 created) 0 skeleton sentai (1 created) a recker a papier-mache cow a sarspig 2 sand rats a wild rabbit a centipede a decipede 2 larvae a specific bug a boom light 2 explode lights 0 faerie lights (1 created) 0 lightbringers (1 created) 0 colorless wasers (1 created) 0 white wasers (1 created) a porter yellow light 0 kablam lights (1 created) 0 yellow wasers (2 created) 0 truffe chocolate wisps (1 created) an axial light 0 invisible spirits (1 created) a feminism light 0 darkmaker ghosts (1 created) 0 wing baddies (1 created) 0 cylon centurions (1 created) 0 plains centaurs (1 created) 0 healthy plains centaurs (1 created) 0 crawl dragons (1 created) 0 crawl dragoms (1 created) 0 tiny dragons (1 created) a wimpy plain dragon 0 young evil dragons (1 created) a spore lichen a mould (0 created) a deathmold 0 aggressive lichens (1 created) a water lichen a spore kazwo lichen 0 orange mushrooms (1 created) 0 golden mushrooms (1 created) a spore shrieker 2 sub-gnomes (3 created) a stroke gnome (2 created) a clockwork dood a clockwork soldier 5 gnomes 0 covid gnomes (1 created) 0 gnome thieves (2 created) 0 pt gnomes (2 created) a little grey alien (2 created) a pat gnome 0 intermediate gnomes (3 created) 0 gnome guards (1 created) a gnome comrade a rock gnome (2 created) 5 gnome lords (8 created) 0 gnomish brigand thieves (1 created) a grabber (3 created) 2 packers (3 created) a deep force gnome a gnome illusionist 0 small giants (1 created) a nukvah sephirah a total covet lich a chamfered mummy an early mummy a summy mummy a dnh mummy a gecko mummy a blob mummy 0 kobold mummies (1 created) 0 mac mummies (1 created) a cat mummy a gnome mummy an exile an acolyte mummy 0 slimebesus (1 created) a sludtt a tapioca pudding 0 duth asses (1 created) 0 gray oozes (1 created) 0 mub things (1 created) a small er 0 clolls (2 created) 0 little trolls (1 created) a claw hulk a shamble fling a grid xorn (2 created) 0 new zombies (1 created) an ant zombie 0 goblin zombies (1 created) a tasloi zombie 0 blob zombies (1 created) 2 chicken zombies 0 dwarf zombies (3 created) a gastly 0 trellertrellertreller zombies (2 created) 0 wrap golems (1 created) a dumb human a hallucinating survivor a pitiful-looking beggar a squint-eyed rogue 0 shopkeepers (6 created) 0 aligned priests (1 created) 0 watchmen (7 created) 0 watch captains (4 created) 0 spawning fish (1 created) 0 deep carps (1 created) 0 watergills (1 created) 0 sqaakers (1 created) 0 forgotten plants (1 created) 0 sukkiri flowers (1 created) 0 poison creepers (2 created) 0 plague poppies (1 created) 0 batman plants (1 created) 0 radio plants (1 created) 0 clear mewlips (1 created) 0 attack foods (1 created) 0 yellow mushroom patches (1 created) 0 gray mewlips (1 created) 0 spikey mushroom patches (1 created) 0 mercury mushroom patches (2 created) 0 flying goombas (1 created) 0 kudzus (1 created) 0 pumpkins (1 created) 0 couscoi (1 created) 0 radioactive willows (1 created) 0 orange mewlips (1 created) 0 ettin cadavers (1 created) 0 dungeon fern sprouts (1 created) 0 arctic fern sprouts (2 created) 0 blazing fern sprouts (1 created) a biem turret 0 crrpshes (2 created) a shock trove (2 created) 253 creatures born. 111 creatures vanquished. 0 bosses born. 0 bosses vanquished. Voluntary challenges You eaten 11 times You eaten food with animal by-products 5 times You eaten meat 4 times You have communicated with the gods 1 time You prayed to the gods 1 time You hit with a wielded weapon 145 times You killed 99 monsters You read items or engraved 7 times You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used 6 wishes You remained celibate You applied items 17 times You experienced the healing effects of unicorn horns 0 times You created 0 items with the magic marker You created 0 items with the chemistry set You quaffed 0 potions You zapped wands 9 times You read scrolls 2 times You read spellbooks 1 time You successfully cast spells 0 times You failed to cast a spell 0 times You attempted to cast forgotten spells 0 times You used the invocation effects of artifacts 0 times You used techniques 2 times You phase doored 0 times You teleported 0 times You levelported 0 times You branchported 0 times You were banished 0 times You were punished 1 time You had to mourn the death of 1 pet You suffered from amnesia 0 times You had a minimum alignment of -556 You had a maximum alignment of 10 You had a maximum sanity of 0 You had a maximum contamination of 0 You successfully searched for traps 0 times You successfully searched for doors or corridors 4 times You heard farting noises 0 times You heard crapping noises 0 times You listened to conversion sermon 0 times You heard the frightening wouwou taunts 0 times You heard superman taunts 0 times You inhaled scentful feminine perfume 0 times You got your nuts kicked 0 times You got hit in the breasts 0 times You saved the game 2 times You encountered the ragnarok event 0 times You had your data deleted 0 times You encountered the curse items effect 0 times You triggered nasty traps 0 times You triggered feminism traps 0 times You had to read random messages 0 times You saw 0 monsters come out of portals You gained intrinsics from eating corpses 0 times You purchased shopkeeper services 0 times You had the kops called on you 1 time You solved 0 captchas You failed to solve a captcha 0 times You correctly answered 0 quiz questions You incorrectly answered 0 quiz questions You had the reality altered 0 times You picked 0 locks You converted 0 altars You had your items stolen 1 time You got poisoned 0 times You gained 0 extra hit points from nurses You purchased nurse services 0 times You scared 0 monsters with Elbereth engravings You had your items disenchanted 0 times You permanently lost stat points 0 times You got whacked or kicked by female shoes 0 times You forced farmland tiles out of existence 0 times You dissipated nether mist 0 times You mulched 0 ranged weapon ammos You used up 0 grams of gunpowder You recharged your items 1 time You made offerings to the gods 0 times You used the force against an enemy 0 times You kicked monsters 0 times You kicked doors or locked containers 5 times You fumbled 0 times You wrested wands 1 time You lost 0 items to fire damage You lost 0 items to cold damage You lost 0 items to shock damage You lost 0 items to poison damage You dug with digging tools 1 time You dug out grave walls 0 times You chopped down 0 trees You bashed down 0 sets of iron bars You interacted with fountains 0 times You sat on a throne 0 times You interacted with a sink 0 times You interacted with a toilet 0 times You invoked a pentagram 0 times You quaffed from a well 0 times You quaffed from a poisoned well 0 times You slept in a bed 1 time You slept on a mattress 0 times You landed 2 critical hits You stole goods worth 0 zorkmids You let monsters dig out 8 wall tiles You untrapped 0 traps You had to read longing messages 0 times You had to mourn the death of 0 symbiotes You got sick from food poisoning 0 times You got sick from illness 0 times You got slimed 0 times You got stoned 0 times You broke 0 items due to polymorphing into bad monsters You allowed monsters to quaff 0 potions You allowed monsters to read 0 scrolls You allowed monsters to zap 3 wands You saw demons being gated in 0 times You saw demon lords being gated in 0 times You saw demon princes being gated in 0 times You were blasted by artifacts 1 time You allowed monsters to eat metallic items 0 times You allowed monsters to eat lithic items 0 times You allowed monsters to eat organic items 0 times You allowed allivores to eat items 0 times You had your possessions unidentify themselves 0 times You became dehydrated 0 times You had your luck roll over 0 times You experienced confused scroll effects 0 times You quaffed non-working potions 0 times You encountered stairs traps 0 times You lost intrinsics 0 times You randomly revealed 0 traps You got hit by bad effects 0 times You got hit by really bad effects 0 times You had 0 items teleported out of your inventory You encountered 0 bones levels You had to read insults against your momma 0 times You were forced to equip bad items 0 times You were forced to equip bad artifacts 0 times You were forced to equip bad high heels 0 times You encountered appearance shuffling 0 times You got affected by the dirty mysterious dirt force full of dirt 0 times You were caught by the manler 0 times You broke wands 0 times You performed alchemy 0 times You destroyed 0 hostile weapons You felt like a new batman 0 times You allowed 1 egg to hatch You wiped your face 0 times You acquired 0 items You were a cannibal 0 times You gained intrinsics from eating jewelry 0 times You threw 0 potions You allowed monsters to throw 0 potions You leveled past the maximum experience level 0 times You vomited 2 times Your skills at the end (16 slots left) Fighting Skills high heels [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) shield [Unskilled] (max Expert) (24 of 20) body armor [Unskilled] (max Expert) (35 of 20) polymorphing [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) devices [Basic] (max Expert) (32 of 160) searching [Unskilled] (max Expert) (4 of 20) spirituality [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) petkeeping [Unskilled] (max Expert) (5 of 20) techniques [Unskilled] (max Expert) (10 of 20) implants [Unskilled] (max Basic) (0 of 20) sexy flats [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) memorization [Basic] (max Master) (24 of 160) form I (Shii-Cho) [Basic] (max Master) (20 of 160) form IV (Ataru) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form VI (Niman) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) martial arts [Basic] (max Grand Master) (39 of 160) two-weapon combat [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) riding [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) Weapon Skills dagger [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) knife [Basic] (max Expert) (164 of 160) pick-axe [Basic] (max Master) (21 of 160) long sword [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) two-handed sword [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) scimitar [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) club [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) paddle [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) mace [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) morning star [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) flail [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) hammer [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) quarterstaff [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) polearms [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) spear [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) javelin [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) trident [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) lance [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) bow [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) sling [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) firearms [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) crossbow [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) dart [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) shuriken [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) boomerang [Unskilled] (max Legendary) (0 of 20) whip [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) unicorn horn [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) divination spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) enchantment spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) protection spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) body spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) occult spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) matter spells [Basic] (max Wizard) (20 of 160) Restricted Skills bare-handed combat [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) general combat [Restricted] (max Restricted) (16 of 500) two-handed weapons [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) missile weapons [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) gun control [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) squeaking [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) symbiosis [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form II (Makashi) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form III (Soresu) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form V (Shien) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form V (Djem So) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form VII (Juyo) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form VII (Vaapad) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form VIII (Wedi) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) axe [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) short sword [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) broadsword [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) saber [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) lightsaber [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) healing spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) elemental spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) chaos spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) Goodbye Tangles the Undertaker... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 8 with 7582 points, and 400 pieces of gold, after 2739 moves. Killer: a monster (hobbit leadmaster), while praying unsuccessfully You were level 8 with a maximum of 109 hit points when you died. You made the top ten list! No Points Name Hp [max] * 1 7582 Tangles-Unt-Bat-Mal-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on * level 8. Killed by a monster (hobbit leadmaster), while praying unsuccessfully. - [109]