Tangles, chaotic male orcish Rogue --------}.......^ ..... ----|...|..|}........ ......... --..||.|.|..#}...^...^. ........^.... .|...-|%|.|..|}^........ ..^..^-#-...... ....)...|.|.-|}......^... .....---.---..... -|..2.|-|.|..#}..).[..... ....--|...|--.... ---.---|.|..|}...^....... ....------.|---.... --.|..-.|..#}^.^.%...... ^..--|...<.|.|--... ---..|.-|.|..|}...[.^.........|--.---.|.--|.... #......||.|..#}.^^...........--.....|.....--... |....|- |.|.)..)).^...^...`.^#..---.|----..#[^. -%-.----|.|..#}.)).^^....^...--.|...|...|.--^.. 1 To|-- .)..|))|}^..[...........|-|.-----.|--.... --- .-|.|..#}.^[.^..)... ...- |...|...| -... 2 |.|..|}).......... ....----.|.----.... 2 %)|..#}..[.)..... ...^--|...| -.... |%|.-|}......^... .....---.- -..... |.|.^|}......... ......-|-...... 2 1 |.|..#}......... .......[..... |.%..|}........ ......... ------}........ ..... Tangles the Pilferer St:18/05 Dx:22 Co:18 In:9 Wi:12 Ch:10 Chaotic Dlvl:14 $:432 HP:0(90) Pw:54(54) AC:-19 Xp:13/129671 T:22363 Satiated Your inventory Amulets r - an uncursed amulet of reflection (being worn) Weapons y - the blessed fireproof +3 Bat from Hell (weapon in hand) O - 7 poisoned +0 daggers Armor h - an uncursed +1 T-shirt (being worn) B - an uncursed very burnt +0 pair of speed boots (being worn) D - a blessed +0 dwarvish iron helm (being worn) G - a blessed +5 pair of gauntlets of dexterity (being worn) H - a blessed +0 elven cloak (being worn) R - a blessed +0 elven mithril-coat (being worn) Comestibles I - 2 uncursed lizard corpses Scrolls Y - an uncursed scroll of remove curse Rings t - an uncursed +1 ring of gain strength (on right hand) v - an uncursed ring of protection from shape changers (on left hand) Wands c - a wand of sleep (0:7) f - a wand of striking (0:9) i - a wand of opening (0:7) j - a blessed wand of magic missile (0:11) k - a wand of sleep (0:12) o - a wand of teleportation (0:12) x - a wand of sleep (0:7) A - a wand of extra healing (0:5) S - a wand of teleportation (0:8) V - a wand of magic missile (0:8) Z - a wand of striking (0:7) Tools a - an uncursed magic whistle d - an invisible +0 unicorn horn named st16_ e - a +0 unicorn horn l - the blessed Master Key of Thievery n - an uncursed towel C - the Bell of Opening (0:3) F - an uncursed oilskin sack Gems p - a blessed luckstone Contents of the oilskin sack: a wand of polymorph (0:8) a wand of draining (0:7) a wand of fire (0:11) a wand of lightning (0:12) a wand of striking (0:12) a wand of sleep (0:12) a cursed wand of cold (0:8) a wand of fire (0:10) an uncursed potion of water an uncursed scroll of enchant armor an uncursed K-ration an uncursed C-ration 11 +4 bullets 7 +3 bullets 5 +0 bullets 15 blessed +1 bullets a +0 pick-axe a magic marker (0:68) an uncursed clove of garlic an uncursed +3 ring of gain constitution an uncursed ring of invisibility an uncursed ring of searching an uncursed mood ring an uncursed potion of full healing a blessed potion of object detection a cursed scroll of teleportation a blessed scroll of identify 2 blessed scrolls of teleportation an uncursed +0 pair of water walking boots a wand of secret door detection (0:16) a wand of lightning (0:7) a wand of striking (0:9) a wand of extra healing (0:12) a wand of teleportation (0:11) a wand of probing (0:10) a wand of locking (0:9) a wand of healing (0:8) an uncursed scroll of remove curse an uncursed tripe ration an uncursed eucalyptus leaf 2 uncursed scrolls of teleportation Final attributes You were piously aligned You were fire resistant You were cold resistant You were poison resistant You saw invisible You were telepathic You were warned You had automatic searching You had infravision You were stealthy You could teleport You had teleport control You were protected You were protected from shape changers You were very fast You had reflection You were extremely lucky (13) You had extra luck Good luck did not time out for you You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - detect monsters 1 divine 100% b - knock 1 matter 100% c - wizard lock 2 matter 100% d - endure heat 2* protect 100% e - force bolt 1* attack 100% f - detect food 2 divine 100% g - identify 5 divine 100% h - enlighten 4 body 100% i - magic missile 2 attack 100% Vanquished creatures Ruggo the Gnome King The Master Assassin Kroo the Kobold King 4 hell hounds 24 guardian nagas a pit bull an assassin bug 2 golden nagas a ghost a sabre-toothed cat a winged gargoyle a giant mimic 2 great orcs 3 snow orcs a Tasmanian devil 2 ogre kings a rock troll 2 zruties a komodo dragon a blinking eye a yellow jelly an orange jelly a leprechaun wizard 2 large mimics a baby purple worm 2 stalkers a fire elemental 2 water elementals 4 black nagas a xorn a bearded devil a basilisk 6 migo drones 2 parrots 4 wargs a winter wolf 4 kobold warriors 9 small mimics a warhorse a tunnel worm a xan 2 koalas a quantum mechanic a troll a weretiger a gelatinous cube 2 pyrolisks 3 large dogs a large dingo 2 freezing spheres a bloodshot eye 3 large cats 2 caterwauls 11 tigers a gargoyle a dwarf king 2 tengu 2 clear jellies 2 ochre jellies 6 war orcs a leocrotta 4 lightning bugs 7 black molds a stone giant a red naga 3 pythons 5 wraiths a leather golem 3 Grey-elves 4 soldiers a succubus an incubus a gila monster 18 chameleons a crocodile a giant beetle a quivering blob 47 cockatrices a wolf 4 winter wolf cubs a glowing eye 2 lynxes 5 panthers a gremlin 7 rock kobolds 59 leprechauns 2 orc-captains 14 mumakil 6 giant spiders an ice vortex a black light a wombat 2 vampire bats 11 disgusting molds 2 deep gnomes 13 gnome warriors 4 gnome kings 5 ogres a brown pudding 2 rust monsters 2 wights an owlbear a yeti 2 ghouls 4 lizards 11 chickatrices 6 dogs 3 housecats 10 jaguars 3 dwarf lords a blue jelly a squealer 4 white unicorns 5 gray unicorns 2 acid worms 2 platypi a plains centaur 2 baby gray dragons a baby silver dragon 3 baby shimmering dragons a baby deep dragon 4 baby white dragons a baby orange dragon 2 baby black dragons 2 baby blue dragons a baby green dragon 2 baby yellow dragons 2 snakes 8 apes 2 human zombies a ghast a rope golem 4 Woodland-elves a soldier ant a fire ant 3 cockatoos 2 imps 9 swamp kobolds 2 wood nymphs 13 water nymphs a mountain nymph a pixie 5 Mordor orcs an Uruk-hai 3 orc shamans a rock piercer 3 scrampers a sheep a rabid rabbit a rock mole a recluse spider a pony 3 fog clouds a dung worm 2 yellow lights 6 shriekers 4 violet fungi 16 gnome lords 14 gnomish wizards a black naga hatchling 4 gray oozes a barrow wight an elf zombie a straw golem 2 paper golems a wax golem 3 giant ants 3 chickens 5 little dogs 4 floating eyes 4 kittens 18 dwarves 2 dwarf thieves 7 kobold lords a kobold shaman 6 hill orcs 3 rothes a giant badger a rabid rat 2 echidnas a giant bat 6 monkeys a dwarf zombie 5 muggers 2 iguanas 9 killer bees 2 acid blobs a gas spore 6 hobbits 5 large kobolds 3 hobgoblins 14 orcs 2 lambs 4 giant rats 7 cave spiders 10 larvae a rot worm 6 brown molds 23 yellow molds 7 green molds 12 red molds 94 gnomes 5 geckos 8 jackals a fox a kobold 2 goblins 2 sewer rats a rabbit 8 grid bugs 13 lichens 3 kobold zombies 4 newts 923 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You changed form 2 times You used no wishes Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] short sword [Skilled] club [Skilled] firearms [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages The invisible troll claws you! The invisible troll misses. The invisible troll hits! Your elven mithril-coat blocks the invisible troll's attack. The invisible troll bites! Your elven mithril-coat deflects the invisible troll's attack. Your elven cloak deflects the invisible troll's attack. The invisible troll bites! Your elven mithril-coat deflects the invisible troll's attack. Your dwarvish iron helm deflects the invisible troll's attack. The invisible troll bites! The invisible troll hits! The invisible troll claws you! The invisible troll bites! The invisible troll hits! The invisible troll claws you! The invisible troll bites! The invisible troll misses. The invisible troll claws you! The invisible troll misses. The invisible troll hits! Your elven mithril-coat blocks the invisible troll's attack. The invisible troll bites! The invisible troll hits! The invisible troll claws you! The invisible troll bites! Your elven mithril-coat deflects the invisible troll's attack. The invisible troll claws you! The invisible troll bites! You die... Goodbye Tangles the Rogue... You died in Grund's Stronghold on dungeon level 14 with 303700 points, and 432 pieces of gold, after 22363 moves. Killer: invisible troll, while helpless You were level 13 with a maximum of 90 hit points when you died. You made the top ten list! No Points Name Hp [max] * 1 303700 Tangles-Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha died in Grund's Stronghold on * level 14 [max 19]. Killed by an invisible troll, while helpless. - [90] 2 41970 Numbgoon-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu quit in Grund's Stronghold on level 13. 95 [95] 3 19396 Numbgoon-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 4 [max 9]. Killed by a soldier ant. - [69]