Merlek, lawful female human Valkyrie --. --)| --..| ----|...-- --..--...-- ..|......*..| ..............%..--- -......................| -@d..-------......)....-- ....-- --..)).)|...| ..--- ---..---..| --- --- ---- [Merlek the Fighter] St:18/02 Dx:12 Co:15 In:10 Wi:10 Ch:9 Lawful Dlvl:9 $:573 HP:0(49) Pw:17(17) AC:2 Xp:6/383 T:2244 Your inventory Weapons D - 17 +0 arrows E - a cursed -2 bow s - a blessed +0 crossbow b - a +0 dagger a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) Armor B - an uncursed +0 leather cloak z - an uncursed +0 orcish helm q - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) A - a blessed +0 pair of elven boots I - an uncursed +0 pair of iron shoes x - a cursed -1 pair of leather gloves c - an uncursed +3 small shield (being worn) n - an uncursed burnt +1 studded leather armor (being worn) Comestibles o - an uncursed apple d - an uncursed food ration f - an uncursed fortune cookie h - 2 uncursed lembas wafers g - an uncursed lichen corpse i - 2 uncursed slime molds Wands j - a wand of teleportation (0:6) Tools P - an uncursed lock pick k - an uncursed skeleton key e - an uncursed tallow candle Gems G - an uncursed worthless piece of green glass K - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of violet glass r - an uncursed worthless piece of violet glass Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 20 You were cold resistant You were stealthy You are dead You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a winter wolf cub 3 gnome lords a kobold mummy a barrow wight a straw golem a kitten a dwarf an iguana 2 giant rats a yellow mold 19 gnomes 5 jackals a fox a kobold 4 goblins 2 sewer rats 2 grid bugs a bat 6 lichens a kobold zombie 5 newts 60 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You never engraved Elbereth Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] long sword [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages # Count: 25 # Count: 25 # You stop searching. Count: 25 # You feel more confident in your weapon skills. You hit the winter wolf cub! The winter wolf cub bites! You miss the winter wolf cub. The winter wolf cub misses. You hit the winter wolf cub! The winter wolf cub bites! You miss the winter wolf cub. The winter wolf cub bites! You hit the winter wolf cub! The winter wolf cub bites! You die... Farvel Merlek the Valkyrie... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 9 with 3392 points, and 573 pieces of gold, after 2244 moves. Killer: winter wolf cub You were level 6 with a maximum of 49 hit points when you died. You reached the 68th place on the top 2000 list. 1 4471006 Mishka-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 118 [118] 2 4192648 actualquak-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 213 [217] 3 3468254 Serel-Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 380 [396] 67 3558 Tangles-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 8. Killed by a dwarf lord. - [63] *68 3392 Merlek-Val-Hum-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 9. Killed by a winter wolf cub. - [49] 69 3282 Tangles-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 3. Killed by a gnome lord. - [45]